QCEA Celebrates Retirees! Kim Kreider

Since we can't celebrate in person, QCEA wants to celebrate all of our retirees online. We thank them for their years of dedication and service, and we wish them all the best in retirement! 

: Kim Kreider

Last Teaching Assignment: EL & German Teacher

Number of Years in Education: 20

Number of Years Teaching in Quakertown: 16

Which building(s) have you worked in?
Quakertown High School, Strayer Middle School, Freshman Center, Pfaff Elementary

What will you miss the most about teaching? 
My wonderful colleagues and students.

What will you miss the least about teaching? 
Getting up at 5:30am. I have always been a night owl!

What is your happiest memory from your time in Quakertown? 
Chaperoning great groups of EL students in Philly and Washington, DC.

What are your retirement plans? 
Due to Covid, RV motorcycling, and biking the country (we take our house and garage with us!) and eventually overseas travel again. Playing lots of music and jamming (outdoors for now). Also spending lots more time with family scattered across the US and in Europe. Volunteering through our church.


Thanks for the memories.
This next section of the blog post includes some fond memories shared by colleagues.

The year I was in as LTS for Kim she came in over the summer and in the days leading up to plan a schedule for the kids that would allow them to be successful and me to best support them. It was totally Kim. She would do everything and anything possible for the kids. If kids needed food, athletic shoes to play, black pants for the concert, you name it she would figure it out and make sure kids had what they needed to be successful!
- Erika Studer

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