Welcome to QCSD, Jane Wong

       The 2020-21 school year welcomes a new group of teachers. We asked all of our new teachers to the district to share some information so we could all get to know them a bit.

Jane Wong

Teaching Assignment: 
Mandarin 1&2, 7th Grade Social Studies

Building Assignment: 
Strayer School

Teaching Experience: 
I have taught Mandarin for 4 years. I taught Mandarin at Moravian Academy, Lehigh Valley Academy and World of Learning Institute.

Cooking, traveling and teaching

Why did you become a teacher?: 
I enjoy the interactions with students.

What is your favorite part of teaching? 
the interactions with students

What is one thing you want the community to know? 
I can speak 3.25 languages! I am fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and I can speak a little bit French.


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