Welcome to QCSD, Kurt Amen

       The 2020-21 school year welcomes a new group of teachers. We asked all of our new teachers to the district to share some information so we could all get to know them a bit.

: Kurt Amen

Teaching Assignment: 9th Grade General Science

Building Assignment: Quakertown High School

Teaching Experience: 11 Year in Education, including both Cyber and Bricks-&-Mortar.

Hobbies/Interests: Music production | Golf | Everything Nerdy (Cool) |  Tile Installation | Audio Engineering | Front End Web Development | Movies are Interstellar | Troop Zero | Star Wars | Harry Potter |  Hobbit | Lord of the Rings | Martian | Wonder |  Website is Amenstem.com

Why did you become a teacher?: To help my community grow and to share the same enthusiasm for science the same way I do.

What is your favorite part of teaching? Relationships leading to careers in STEM fields

What is one thing you want the community to know? 2015 Public School Options Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year | Born and raised in Quakertown


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