QCEA Celebrates Retirees: Judy Maccarone
QCEA wants to celebrate all of our retirees. We thank them for their years of dedication and service, and we wish them all the best in retirement!
Number of Years in Education: 25
Number of Years Teaching in Quakertown: 25
Which building(s) have you worked in?
Strayer, 6th Grade Center
What will you miss the most about teaching?
I miss the energy of children, the friendship of some very amazing teachers, and the joy of watching young minds absorb information and grow.
What will you miss the least about teaching?
Doing a 50 yard dash to the bathroom between classes, grading papers, and having to be patient all day long!
What is your happiest memory from your time in Quakertown?
There are SO many happy memories - I truly loved my job almost every single day for most of my career. Taking kids to Outdoor School, celebrating students' success, watching children experience science "in a real science lab" for the first time, and laughing with my peers on a daily basis.
What advice do you have for teachers?
Right now? Just hang in there. It's hard to be a teacher today, harder than it ever has been. You are making an impact on children's lives; what you do really matters.
What are your retirement plans?
I have been visiting my children, playing with my friends, spending time at the beach, walking, biking, kayaking, learning some new skills (drums, crochet, chalk painting furniture), and NOT setting my alarm!
Thanks for the memories.
This next section of the blog post includes some fond memories shared by colleagues.
Thanks for the memories.
This next section of the blog post includes some fond memories shared by colleagues.
- Nicole Jerrom
Judy and I started teaching at Quakertown 25 years ago at Strayer Middle School. Our assignments put us in separate building for most of our time at Quakertown. Then, with the opening of the 6GC we were reunited in the same building where we started. It is rare that you get to work with a very good friend, so it is difficult to pick one memory. Judy always made learning fun! Between activities like the Thanksgiving Catapult Challenge and the Holiday Parachute Drop, she had a way of sparking an interest of science in her students. Tubing trips where us teachers connected tubes and raced our students, were always a blast. I think we laughed the way way down the slope! Doing Outdoor School together was also a great memory (not to mention, driving the yellow truck to our stream biology class). Judy's caring way, enthusiasm for teaching, and her collaborative spirit has touched so many of our lives.
- Val Bauer
"Ode to a Teacher"
by Kathy Infante
You, Judy,
are the teacher
of children’s memories.
The one who…
is quirky
and kind.
Radiates enthusiasm,
but keeps a watchful eye.
Earns their trust
while …
shaping them
to think
and care,
and make a difference in our world.
You, Judy,
are the teacher
of children’s memories.
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